~~If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed~~ Ancient Chinese Proverb-- As I have moved through the last couple weeks and following my peace diet , all I can say is wow! I have felt a major shift in not only my consciousness, but in my total being. Health wise, emotionally, spirtually, and mentally. Todays diet focuses on Place of Power. I have posted about our personal power in the last week, a few times. All I can say is when you move into your authentic personal power.... the world truly is your oyster! Peace . Love. Happiness. May your day be blessed with balance and harmony. ONE LOVE ♥
12/14/2010 01:35:12 pm

This is absolutely true and beautifully spoken. I love your positive website and look forward to visiting in the future. Thank you for listening to your heart and embracing peace, positivity and kindness towards all, this is an inspiration to others and encourages everyone everywhere to participate in the positivity of life also.

12/15/2010 10:13:32 pm

Karen... thank you for your kind words. I am a hopeless romantic and I know that this planet can be heaven on earth, I know this.


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